Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Reflections on "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"

This was an article I could not put down. I did not even get up to make coffee for myself, a first for me.

I should contact Nicholas Carr and thank him for reading my mind, for speaking on behalf of me, for agreeing with me, and for writing so beautifully. Truly amazing!

I should perhaps send a duplicate of this article to my colleagues at Miami Dade College...

As I was reading this article, I couldn't help but think of how technology dominates my life and, how, sadly, I have become dependent on computers over the last ten years. As an undergraduate student, I remember spending more time in the library, "physically" searching for a journal article for hours and hours. Yes, it was more time-consuming and, yes, it was exhausting. But that was the whole point: it required effort. As a result, I appreciated it more...

Today, however, due to the ubiquity of technology, we are, in a way, forced to use it. Our lives are taken over by technology in such a way that there would be chaos if we happened to drive by a small town without an internet cafe.

Similarly, if I tell anybody that I do not do online chatting that much, they look at me as if I am from a distant planet.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Great thoughts...clearly, Google hasn't made you stupid!